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Restorative Practice: Stonehenge Pose

Updated: Jul 1, 2021

Restorative yoga uses props for support to release tension in our bodies, create more space for our breath, and quiet some of the busy thoughts in our minds. It’s a practice that can help us find grounding and comfort especially when we move through times of transition like the changing seasons.

Stonehenge Pose, which gets its name because it resembles the historic English monument, is one of my favorite restorative poses, especially when my hips and low back need a little extra TLC. It’s also a great alternative to Legs-Up-the-Wall pose. For props, gather up 2 blocks or books and a bolster, firm pillow, or sofa cushion. You may want additional blankets to cover your body or to use as support under your head and neck.

To Practice:

  • Place two blocks on the medium height toward the edges of the long side of your mat about 12" apart.

  • Set your bolster or cushion on top of the blocks, making a little table.

  • Sit beside the bolster. Swing your legs over the bolster, so the backs of your knees and calves are resting on top. Keep knees and hips at about a 45 degree angle.

  • Being mindful of your low back, lower your torso down onto your mat.

  • For extra comfort you can place support under your head, a blanket over your body, an eye pillow over your eyes, or any other props that would help you relax.

You can practice this pose on its own or use it as your savasana. You can stay in this pose for up to 20 minutes.

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